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Dentist Care Service

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Bulimia’s Effect on Teeth

When people eat large amounts of food, throw up or engage in some other activities like laxatives or exercising to excess make you able to rid their bodies of extra calories. Bulimia can completely damage your teeth. Vomiting contains stomach acid and the repetitive cycle of vomiting can cause serious damage to your teeth. If you are brushing too hard after vomiting it would also contribute to the tooth decay problem. Whenever you get through a frequent vomiting problem it can wear away tooth enamel that leaves a hole or a cavity.


If you are using too much sugary food and sodas it will also create tooth decay. If the tooth decay problem left untreated it will make your gums bleed and with the passage of time these holes become too big as a result you can lose the tooth. Yellow Bitter teeth – when the color and texture of your teeth begin to change it will make them more brittle than usual. Sometimes a yellowish color or a glassy appearance can change the shape and length of your teeth.


Swollen salivary Glands – Vomiting can also disturb the glands on each side of your checks these glands are very important for the formation of saliva that helps you to swallow and protects your teeth against decay. When your salivary glands would be affected you will observe a swollen around your jaw.


Mouth sores – stomach acidity wears away at the enamel of your teeth can also damage your mouth by leaving painful sores inside the mouth and throat. After swelling up it becomes more infected and feels like a constant throat pain. Dry Mouth – lack of saliva can also lead to dry mouth that can also damage your teeth and make existing tooth decay from bulimia even worse. If you want to get rid of theses problem Consult with a Dentist who can fill cavities, repair a broken tooth and help care for your gums.

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